Homeowners are constantly looking for simple ways to save money without sacrificing style or class in the home. That is the primary reason that do-it-yourself kits are so popular today, and why television channels that feature projects you can do without having to hire a professional receive such high ratings. Television shows and Internet articles that offer steps on building a vanity mirror on a budget, for example, are extremely popular, and very helpful.
Step 1: Measure your space and Create a Materials List
Measure the height and width of the area that you want to use for your vanity mirror. Measuring helps you be sure that you know how much room you have for your vanity mirrors so that you won't waste money on materials that won't fit or are inappropriate. From your measurements, you can determine the size of the mirrored glass that will be needed, as well as framing supplies and create a realistic budget for the project.
Step 2: Purchase the mirrored glass.
This will be the biggest expense for the project, in most cases, depending on the size of the vanity mirror you are building. As you set up your budget projection sheet, make sure that you do your research first to know what the cost of each portion of the project will be, so that you know what you can afford realistically for this step and the next one. Check around at local hardware stores and home improvement stores for the best prices on the size that you are looking for, especially from those stores that offer free delivery and/or installation options.
Step 3: Purchase a frame, or frame materials, including applicable decor.
The next step is to build the frame for your vanity mirror. You can choose a pre-made frame if you can find one that fits your dimensions, and the best places to look are often secondhand stores or flea markets. Some antique stores also carry large frames, wood and/or metal, that would be suitable. Once you find the frame or materials, add the decor or style if necessary. This may include paint, stain, sanding, and/or other appropriate steps, so be sure you do your homework first.
Step 4: Hang the mirror and install the frame.
Make sure you get advice from the experts on how to hang the vanity mirrors without breaking it or cutting yourself. If possible, allow the experts to do the work for you, or be sure that you have plenty of help for this dangerous step. A misstep could literally put you back at step two, costing a significant amount of time and money. Once the glass is in place, hang the frame so that it touches the glass, but all screws or other placeholders should be set into the wall, never the glass. Step back, and enjoy your new vanity mirror that gives you a stylish new look that's well within your budget!