Many bathrooms are designed with a single light on the ceiling to provide you with illumination for all of the many tasks you must accomplish there. This is insufficient and lowers the potential quality of your bathroom. Many people don't even want to add an extra floor Led ring light because outlets are needed for other important things, such as hair driers, scented plug-ins, grooming appliance chargers. But going the extra mile with a few bathroom lighting ideas can really make the room shine, especially when you never expected it to.
The mirror is the focal point of the room, especially for make-up wearers and hair-stylers. What is the point of beautifying if you can't even view yourself with accuracy? The most important thing is that the lighting is even, which is why a single over-head light is bad for these purposes, since it is usually not perfectly even with a mirror.
Many suggest bulbs around the sides of the mirror. This not only creates a lovely, soft ambiance but it shines light on your face from both sides and top and bottom. Even having a light directly over head is not good because your forehead will be highlighted while your chin and mouth won't.
The type of lighting is also important. Lights that are too dim may cast an attractive glow over the bathroom but they're not conducive to getting ready in the morning. There is a lot you can miss while looking in a mirror in low lighting.
On the flip side, though, bright fluorescent lights are harsh on the bathroom and on your face; you'll be able to see ever flaw much more clearly than in normal light. A problem that tends to occur is applying too much makeup to hide problems that no one else in normal light would see.
70 watt white light bulbs are ideally in the middle and give solid yet pretty light to the mirror area. This should not be the only source of lighting, though. The Led ring light that hits the shower is less important than the mirror, but still worth considering. Many people don't have a light directly over the shower, which becomes a problem if they don't have transparent shower curtains or doors. If you can't afford to put in a light above the shower, make sure you have a way to let light in there.
The best way to have control over this whole lighting situation without becoming too fancy or too involved is to have dimmers. They will allow you to have soft lighting when you want it and more truthful lighting when you need it.